Invisible Women by Caroline Criado Perez Book Recap

Ever felt like the world wasn't designed for you? If you're nodding, and you happen to be a woman, Invisible Women by Caroline Criado Perez is a must-read.


Ever felt like the world wasn’t designed for you? If you’re nodding, and you happen to be a woman, Invisible Women by Caroline Criado Perez is a must-read. This eye-opening book dives deep into the gender data gap and how it perpetuates systemic discrimination against women. From oversized smartphones to biased medical research, the book uncovers the invisible threads of sexism woven into the fabric of our daily lives.


The Gender Data Gap

The core argument of Invisible Women is the existence of a “gender data gap.” This gap is not just a lack of data but a lack of gender-specific data. Most systems—be it healthcare, technology, or urban planning—are designed with the “average male” in mind. This one-size-fits-all approach leaves women at a disadvantage, often with serious consequences.

  • Healthcare: Women are more likely to be misdiagnosed because medical research predominantly focuses on male subjects.
  • Technology: Products like smartphones are designed for larger male hands, making them uncomfortable or even unusable for many women.
  • Transportation: Public transport systems are less safe and less convenient for women, who often have different travel patterns due to caregiving roles.

Real-World Consequences

The gender data gap isn’t just an academic issue; it has real-world implications. Women are 47% more likely to suffer severe injuries in car accidents because safety features are designed for men. In the workplace, the lack of female-friendly facilities and policies leads to a higher rate of attrition for women.

Table: Gender Data Gap Consequences

AreaConsequence for Women
TechnologyInaccessible Products
TransportationSafety Risks
WorkplaceHigher Attrition

The Call to Action

Caroline Criado Perez doesn’t just point out problems; she calls for change. She argues that acknowledging the gender data gap is the first step toward systemic change. The book is filled with case studies and new research that not only highlight the issues but also show how some organizations are making strides in closing the gap.

Opinion and Final Thoughts

Invisible Women is a compelling read that will make you rethink the world around you. While it leans heavily on statistics and case studies, the narrative never feels dry or academic. The real-life examples add a layer of urgency to the data. However, the book could benefit from offering more actionable solutions for the average reader to implement in their daily lives.

The book is a wake-up call for policymakers, designers, and—frankly—anyone who thinks gender equality has been achieved. It’s not just a book for women but for anyone committed to creating a more equitable world.

Recommended For

  • Feminists: Understand the data behind the issues you’re fighting for.
  • Policymakers: Get insights into how you can make more inclusive decisions.
  • Designers: Learn how to create products that serve everyone, not just half the population.

So, if you’ve ever felt like the world is stacked against you, this book will show you that you’re not alone—and more importantly, that something can be done about it.

Get the book here

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